var/cache/dev/twig/36/36eed224a1b06dc5738427ec62d7c2a5.php line 37

Open in your IDE?
  1. <?php
  2. use Twig\Environment;
  3. use Twig\Error\LoaderError;
  4. use Twig\Error\RuntimeError;
  5. use Twig\Extension\SandboxExtension;
  6. use Twig\Markup;
  7. use Twig\Sandbox\SecurityError;
  8. use Twig\Sandbox\SecurityNotAllowedTagError;
  9. use Twig\Sandbox\SecurityNotAllowedFilterError;
  10. use Twig\Sandbox\SecurityNotAllowedFunctionError;
  11. use Twig\Source;
  12. use Twig\Template;
  13. /* sticky-nav.twig */
  14. class __TwigTemplate_4b887ccfa2486acad45600018b61509d extends \Eccube\Twig\Template
  15. {
  16.     private $source;
  17.     private $macros = [];
  18.     public function __construct(Environment $env)
  19.     {
  20.         parent::__construct($env);
  21.         $this->source $this->getSourceContext();
  22.         $this->parent false;
  23.         $this->blocks = [
  24.             'javascript' => [$this'block_javascript'],
  25.             'main' => [$this'block_main'],
  26.         ];
  27.         $this->sandbox $this->env->getExtension('\Twig\Extension\SandboxExtension');
  28.         $this->checkSecurity();
  29.     }
  30.     protected function doDisplay(array $context, array $blocks = [])
  31.     {
  32.         $macros $this->macros;
  33.         $__internal_5a27a8ba21ca79b61932376b2fa922d2 $this->extensions["Symfony\\Bundle\\WebProfilerBundle\\Twig\\WebProfilerExtension"];
  34.         $__internal_5a27a8ba21ca79b61932376b2fa922d2->enter($__internal_5a27a8ba21ca79b61932376b2fa922d2_prof = new \Twig\Profiler\Profile($this->getTemplateName(), "template""sticky-nav.twig"));
  35.         $__internal_6f47bbe9983af81f1e7450e9a3e3768f $this->extensions["Symfony\\Bridge\\Twig\\Extension\\ProfilerExtension"];
  36.         $__internal_6f47bbe9983af81f1e7450e9a3e3768f->enter($__internal_6f47bbe9983af81f1e7450e9a3e3768f_prof = new \Twig\Profiler\Profile($this->getTemplateName(), "template""sticky-nav.twig"));
  37.         // line 11
  38.         echo "
  39. ";
  40.         // line 12
  41.         $this->displayBlock('javascript'$context$blocks);
  42.         // line 161
  43.         $context["Categories"] = twig_get_attribute($this->env$this->source$this->env->getFunction('repository')->getCallable()("Eccube\\Entity\\Category"), "getList", [], "method"falsefalsetrue161);
  44.         // line 162
  45.         $context["categories"] = [=> ["name" => "お仏壇""id" => "2"], => ["name" => "お位牌""id" => "1"], => ["name" => "仏具""id" => "3"], => ["name" => "セット""id" => "4"], => ["name" => "手元供養""id" => "21"]];
  46.         // line 184
  47.         echo "
  48. ";
  49.         // line 185
  50.         $this->displayBlock('main'$context$blocks);
  51.         // line 242
  52.         echo "
  53. ";
  55.         $__internal_5a27a8ba21ca79b61932376b2fa922d2->leave($__internal_5a27a8ba21ca79b61932376b2fa922d2_prof);
  57.         $__internal_6f47bbe9983af81f1e7450e9a3e3768f->leave($__internal_6f47bbe9983af81f1e7450e9a3e3768f_prof);
  58.     }
  59.     // line 12
  60.     public function block_javascript($context, array $blocks = [])
  61.     {
  62.         $macros $this->macros;
  63.         $__internal_5a27a8ba21ca79b61932376b2fa922d2 $this->extensions["Symfony\\Bundle\\WebProfilerBundle\\Twig\\WebProfilerExtension"];
  64.         $__internal_5a27a8ba21ca79b61932376b2fa922d2->enter($__internal_5a27a8ba21ca79b61932376b2fa922d2_prof = new \Twig\Profiler\Profile($this->getTemplateName(), "block""javascript"));
  65.         $__internal_6f47bbe9983af81f1e7450e9a3e3768f $this->extensions["Symfony\\Bridge\\Twig\\Extension\\ProfilerExtension"];
  66.         $__internal_6f47bbe9983af81f1e7450e9a3e3768f->enter($__internal_6f47bbe9983af81f1e7450e9a3e3768f_prof = new \Twig\Profiler\Profile($this->getTemplateName(), "block""javascript"));
  67.         // line 13
  68.         echo "\t<script>
  69. \t\t\$(document).ready(function () {
  70.             \$(\"#nav\").hide();
  71.             \$('.open-category').on('click', function () {
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  75.                 \$('#nav').slideToggle(500)
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  81.             \$('.close-category').click(function () {
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  83.                  \$('.open-category').removeClass('bg-[#F7F6F2]');
  84.             });
  85.             \$('.js-hamburger-menu').on('click', function (){
  86.                 if(\$('.navigation').hasClass('active')){
  87.                     \$(\".sticky-nav\").removeClass('opacity-0');
  88.                 }else{
  89.                     \$(\".sticky-nav\").addClass('opacity-0');
  90.                 }
  91.             })
  92.         })
  93. \t</script>
  94. \t";
  95.         // line 41
  96.         echo "\t";
  97.         if ((twig_get_attribute($this->env$this->sourcetwig_get_attribute($this->env$this->source, (isset($context["app"]) || array_key_exists("app"$context) ? $context["app"] : (function () { throw new RuntimeError('Variable "app" does not exist.'41$this->source); })()), "request", [], "any"falsefalsetrue41), "get", [=> "_route"], "method"falsefalsetrue41) == "homepage")) {
  98.             // line 42
  99.             echo "\t\t<script>
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  127. \t\t</script>
  128. \t";
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  130.             // line 72
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  150. \t";
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  152.         // line 92
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  220. ";
  222.         $__internal_6f47bbe9983af81f1e7450e9a3e3768f->leave($__internal_6f47bbe9983af81f1e7450e9a3e3768f_prof);
  224.         $__internal_5a27a8ba21ca79b61932376b2fa922d2->leave($__internal_5a27a8ba21ca79b61932376b2fa922d2_prof);
  225.     }
  226.     // line 185
  227.     public function block_main($context, array $blocks = [])
  228.     {
  229.         $macros $this->macros;
  230.         $__internal_5a27a8ba21ca79b61932376b2fa922d2 $this->extensions["Symfony\\Bundle\\WebProfilerBundle\\Twig\\WebProfilerExtension"];
  231.         $__internal_5a27a8ba21ca79b61932376b2fa922d2->enter($__internal_5a27a8ba21ca79b61932376b2fa922d2_prof = new \Twig\Profiler\Profile($this->getTemplateName(), "block""main"));
  232.         $__internal_6f47bbe9983af81f1e7450e9a3e3768f $this->extensions["Symfony\\Bridge\\Twig\\Extension\\ProfilerExtension"];
  233.         $__internal_6f47bbe9983af81f1e7450e9a3e3768f->enter($__internal_6f47bbe9983af81f1e7450e9a3e3768f_prof = new \Twig\Profiler\Profile($this->getTemplateName(), "block""main"));
  234.         // line 186
  235.         echo "\t<div class=\"bg-manakaBeige w-full fixed top-[82px] lg:top-[56px] z-10 md:hidden pc-category opacity-0\">
  236. \t\t<ul class=\"flex items-center gap-4 h-[82px] max-w-[1440px] justify-end mx-auto pr-4\">
  237. \t\t\t";
  238.         // line 188
  239.         if ((twig_get_attribute($this->env$this->sourcetwig_get_attribute($this->env$this->source, (isset($context["app"]) || array_key_exists("app"$context) ? $context["app"] : (function () { throw new RuntimeError('Variable "app" does not exist.'188$this->source); })()), "request", [], "any"falsefalsetrue188), "get", [=> "_route"], "method"falsefalsetrue188) == "product_list")) {
  240.             // line 189
  241.             echo "\t\t\t\t";
  242.             $context['_parent'] = $context;
  243.             $context['_seq'] = twig_ensure_traversable((isset($context["categories"]) || array_key_exists("categories"$context) ? $context["categories"] : (function () { throw new RuntimeError('Variable "categories" does not exist.'189$this->source); })()));
  244.             foreach ($context['_seq'] as $context["_key"] => $context["category"]) {
  245.                 // line 190
  246.                 echo "\t\t\t\t\t<li class=\"drop-shadow-lg bg-[#FBFBF9] px-1.5 py-0.5 rounded-3xl w-[86px] text-center ";
  247.                 if ((twig_get_attribute($this->env$this->source, (isset($context["Category"]) || array_key_exists("Category"$context) ? $context["Category"] : (function () { throw new RuntimeError('Variable "Category" does not exist.'190$this->source); })()), "id", [], "any"falsefalsetrue190) == twig_get_attribute($this->env$this->source$context["category"], "id", [], "any"falsefalsetrue190))) {
  248.                     echo "text-white !bg-[#D0CBBE]";
  249.                 }
  250.                 echo "\">
  251. \t\t\t\t\t\t<a href=\"";
  252.                 // line 191
  253.                 echo twig_escape_filter($this->env$this->extensions['Symfony\Bridge\Twig\Extension\RoutingExtension']->getUrl("product_list", ["category_id" => twig_get_attribute($this->env$this->source$context["category"], "id", [], "any"falsefalsetrue191)]), "html"nulltrue);
  254.                 echo "\" class=\"cursor-pointer hover text-[15px] tracking-widest leading-8 \">
  255. \t\t\t\t\t\t\t";
  256.                 // line 192
  257.                 echo twig_escape_filter($this->env$this->sandbox->ensureToStringAllowed(twig_get_attribute($this->env$this->source$context["category"], "name", [], "any"falsefalsetrue192), 192$this->source), "html"nulltrue);
  258.                 echo "
  259. \t\t\t\t\t\t</a>
  260. \t\t\t\t\t</li>
  261. \t\t\t\t";
  262.             }
  263.             $_parent $context['_parent'];
  264.             unset($context['_seq'], $context['_iterated'], $context['_key'], $context['category'], $context['_parent'], $context['loop']);
  265.             $context array_intersect_key($context$_parent) + $_parent;
  266.             // line 196
  267.             echo "\t\t\t";
  268.         } else {
  269.             // line 197
  270.             echo "\t\t\t\t";
  271.             $context['_parent'] = $context;
  272.             $context['_seq'] = twig_ensure_traversable((isset($context["categories"]) || array_key_exists("categories"$context) ? $context["categories"] : (function () { throw new RuntimeError('Variable "categories" does not exist.'197$this->source); })()));
  273.             foreach ($context['_seq'] as $context["_key"] => $context["category"]) {
  274.                 // line 198
  275.                 echo "\t\t\t\t\t<li class=\"drop-shadow-lg bg-[#FBFBF9] px-1.5 py-0.5 rounded-3xl w-[86px] text-center\">
  276. \t\t\t\t\t\t<a href=\"";
  277.                 // line 199
  278.                 echo twig_escape_filter($this->env$this->extensions['Symfony\Bridge\Twig\Extension\RoutingExtension']->getUrl("product_list", ["category_id" => twig_get_attribute($this->env$this->source$context["category"], "id", [], "any"falsefalsetrue199)]), "html"nulltrue);
  279.                 echo "\" class=\"cursor-pointer hover text-[15px] tracking-widest leading-8 \">
  280. \t\t\t\t\t\t\t";
  281.                 // line 200
  282.                 echo twig_escape_filter($this->env$this->sandbox->ensureToStringAllowed(twig_get_attribute($this->env$this->source$context["category"], "name", [], "any"falsefalsetrue200), 200$this->source), "html"nulltrue);
  283.                 echo "
  284. \t\t\t\t\t\t</a>
  285. \t\t\t\t\t</li>
  286. \t\t\t\t";
  287.             }
  288.             $_parent $context['_parent'];
  289.             unset($context['_seq'], $context['_iterated'], $context['_key'], $context['category'], $context['_parent'], $context['loop']);
  290.             $context array_intersect_key($context$_parent) + $_parent;
  291.             // line 204
  292.             echo "\t\t\t";
  293.         }
  294.         // line 205
  295.         echo "\t\t</ul>
  296. \t</div>
  297. \t<div
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  299. \t\t";
  300.         // line 210
  301.         echo "\t\t<button class=\"flex flex-col items-center justify-center p-4 w-full gap-2 open-category\">
  302. \t\t\t<svg xmlns=\"\" width=\"25\" height=\"24\" viewbox=\"0 0 25 24\" fill=\"none\">
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  304. \t\t\t</svg>
  305. \t\t\t<p class=\"text-xs\">商品カテゴリー</p>
  306. \t\t</button>
  307. \t\t<hr
  308. \t\tclass=\"h-10 bg-[#F7F6F2] w-[2px] border-none\">
  309. \t\t";
  310.         // line 219
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  327.         // line 232
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  338.             // line 234
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  342. \t\t";
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  347.         // line 237
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  375. This file is part of EC-CUBE
  376. Copyright(c) EC-CUBE CO.,LTD. All Rights Reserved.
  378. For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
  379. file that was distributed with this source code.
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  616.         try {
  617.             $this->sandbox->checkSecurity(
  618.                 ['block''set''if''for'],
  619.                 ['escape''length'],
  620.                 ['repository''url']
  621.             );
  622.         } catch (SecurityError $e) {
  623.             $e->setSourceContext($this->source);
  624.             if ($e instanceof SecurityNotAllowedTagError && isset($tags[$e->getTagName()])) {
  625.                 $e->setTemplateLine($tags[$e->getTagName()]);
  626.             } elseif ($e instanceof SecurityNotAllowedFilterError && isset($filters[$e->getFilterName()])) {
  627.                 $e->setTemplateLine($filters[$e->getFilterName()]);
  628.             } elseif ($e instanceof SecurityNotAllowedFunctionError && isset($functions[$e->getFunctionName()])) {
  629.                 $e->setTemplateLine($functions[$e->getFunctionName()]);
  630.             }
  631.             throw $e;
  632.         }
  633.     }
  634. }